New episodes on https://www.france.tv/slash/etiquette... ???? Don't forget to activate your notifications ???? The points of view expressed in this program are not intended to reflect all existing opinions on each of the topics discussed. Alex Ramirès, Meryem Benoua, Anthony Kavanagh, M. Nouar, Louis Chappey, and Thaïs Vauquières, these are the names of the comedians you will discover in this new episode of Etiquette. Together they will discuss what it is to be comedians and the labels that accompany them on a daily basis. Which ones are true, which ones are false: this is to be discovered in this episode. Do we have the choice to "get a label stuck on us" or to "choose it" to stand out from the crowd and give it meaning? By categorizing an individual in this way, based on clichés or prejudices, it remains a sign of distinction for our interlocutors. After having answered the different statements with "true" or "false", each of the speakers will react, in light of their individual experience, on these clichés or realities. Two golden rules: listening and kindness in the exchanges and a single objective: to show that, if our guests come from the same sociological group, they do not necessarily share the same opinion. And that's all the better! Follow france.tv slash on: france.tv ▶️ https://bit.ly/SlashFTV Instagram ▶️ https://bit.ly/SlashIg Facebook ▶️ https://bit.ly/SlashFB Twitter ▶️ https://bit.ly/SlashTW