http://www.andreortiz.com.br - The Right Motivational Sales Speaker for your Sales Convention! BUT AFTER ALL, HOW CAN I BE A GOOD LEADER? Learn here the 7 main lessons of every good leader. Did you know that not every good salesperson was born to be a good sales leader? Oh André, but to be a soccer coach, most coaches were once players... Calm down, my friend, there are exceptions to every rule! Being a leader is very different from being a manager. A manager manages processes and methods. A leader leads people, and that's where the challenge lies. Knowing how to deal with people is a task for few. Did you know that not every entrepreneur and businessman is a leader? That's right, that's why they often hire a manager or director to deal with the team, because they are terrible at dealing with people. So, learn in this 17-minute video, that's right, a mini-course on leadership for you to watch with your team, the 9 main assumptions of a successful leader. Don't forget to like, leave your comments, and especially share with people who need to know how to work as a team and motivate others. www.andreortiz.com.br - The Right Motivational Sales Speaker for your Sales Convention! SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR FREE AND GET DAILY VIDEOS ON SALES TIPS, MOTIVATION TIPS, LEADERSHIP TIPS AND PUBLIC SPEAKING TIPS TO TRAIN YOUR COMPANY: WWW.TVDOVENDEDOR.COM.BR Professor André Ortiz's Blog: http://www.andreortiz.com.br Facebook and Linkedin: Speaker André Ortiz Instagram: palestranteandreortiz1 Periscope: @cursosdevendas Snapchat: andreortizbz • #55 HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL LEADER IN V...