I'm not interested in just a compilation. If you have any new material, unreleased material, or scrapped material in this, please come to me. That's it! I've made it so that even people who think that way can enjoy it (・∀・)w This quote is from Jessica Simpson. I introduced it before, but since more people are watching it than before, I'm introducing it again lol It's a quote that I love because it makes you feel like the small details don't matter 😂 [Channel page URL] / @2chbara [Copy and paste video playlist] • 2ch funny copy and paste [Short, funny copy and paste videos to watch in the morning] • Playlist [Who cares about live streaming archive] • Live streaming archive ⇑ Please take a look if you like! If you like it, please subscribe to the channel lol Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday 17:00 3 times a week (target)! I started Twitter! Please be friends with me outside of YouTube m(__)m Please contact me for anything, whether it's your thoughts on the video or a consultation about dinner menu! I mainly tweet about my streaming schedule. / baraniki_momo Sources of materials used: Otologic https://otologic.jp/ Irasutoya https://www.irasutoya.com/ Amacha Music Studio https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/ Sound Effect Lab https://soundeffect-lab.info/ Photo AC https://www.photo-ac.com/ Telop Site https://telop.site/ Maoudamashii https://maou.audio/ #UnusualAnswer #Tsukkomi#Hilarious #FunnyImages #2channel