The unique, picturesque English village of Ashford in the water is located in the very center of Derbyshire. Every year, thousands of tourists come to admire the local original cottages and the famous bridge, which was previously used for washing sheep. Nowadays, it can often be seen on postcards and sketches. Today we walk through this area, admire the English landscapes and chat with the local English residents. About everything. The church with its interesting tradition and a tea room. Write comments, like / dislike and subscribe to my channel! You can also find me on Instagram / prohladnaya SUBSCRIBE to my channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDP0... My mother's story, how to get married at 62 - https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&vide... * DATING SITES with foreigners. You can watch the video at the link • 93. SITES FOR DATING FOREIGNERS. S... . * You can listen to my marriage story here • 111. MY LOVE STORY OR MARRYING ... *MY travels in my playlist - • FOGGY ALBION. MY TRAVELS. MY ... * ALL about me can be seen in the playlist - • ABOUT ME *MY story - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L_tH... #lifeinwanglia #goodoldengland #travels #trips #englishvillage #englishlandscape #england #greatbritain #englandthroughmyeyes #london #marryabroad #marryaforeigner #datingsites #relationships #love