On Saturday 21 December, the open-air performance '50 years of mine closure: resilient forward' took place at the Oranje-Nassau I Mine Monument. The performance brought minister Joop Den Uyl back to life. He apologized for the course of events after the mine closure. Den Uyl also asked the mining region to leave the cherished grudge in the past and to look forward. Projections on the ONI shaft building symbolized the transformation from black to green and gold. In the video above you can see the complete registration of '50 years of mine closure: resilient forward'. 50 years of mine closure: resilient forward Concept and story: Roos Aerts, Sander van Egmond, all volunteers and employees of the Dutch Mining Museum Direction: Sander van Egmond Executive producer: Roos Aerts Actor: Martijn van de Veen Projection and content: Ivo Slaats stv-visuals Lighting design: Sebas Meijer Sound collages and music: Angela de Weijer (City composer Heerlen)