The principle of least action. The law of universal gravitation. Theory of relativity. Wave theory. Thermodynamics. Entropy. Electromagnetism. Special theory of relativity and totalitarianism. Quantum mechanics. The uncertainty principle. Schrödinger's cat. Feynman. Quantum electrodynamics. Quantum field theory. Unified field theory. Dark matter. Anthropic principle. Topology of space. Inflationary universe. Experimental universe. Solar particle theory. Continental drift theory. Snowball earth theory. Gaia theory. Global warming theory. Catastrophe theory. Information theory. Small-world theory. Chaos theory. Game theory. Six handshakes hypothesis. African hypothesis. Sociobiology. Theory of the origin of language. Theory of psychoanalysis. Theory of psychology. Cognitive psychology. Genetics. Alternative medicine. Medicine. Placebo effect. Unique Earth hypothesis. Panspermia hypothesis. Theory of natural selection. Selfish gene theory. Darwin's theory.