5 PERKARA JANJAN PERNAH KEPADA SIAPAPUN - UST ABU HUMAIROH @Ngaji996 Narrated Ya'la bin Umayyah radhiyallahu 'anhu, that the Messenger of Allah saw a man washing himself in the toilet without a garment, so he ascended the pulpit and praised Allah and extolled Him, then he said, Verily Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, is Modest and Concealed, and He loves modesty and concealment, so when one of you washes himself, let him conceal himself. Shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam melihat seseorang mandi di tempat terbuka tanpa mengenakan kain penutup. Belief with no meaning, lalu memuji and menyanjung Allah, whoever besabda, 'Seungguhnya Allah Hayiyun (Yang Mahamalu), Sittir (Yang Maha Menutupi). Allah mencintai sifat malu and sifat menutupi. There are many different types of food, but the menu is full of orange juice.” (HR. Abu Dawud, shahih)