5 things that really irritate autistic people. Stop being the only person who gets irritated by things! By following in the footsteps of autistic people, you will discover 5 ways to deal with the main problems of everyday life. You may not know, but the stimuli that are anxiety-producing for the majority of the population can be even more stressful for autistic people. In fact, certain noises and sensations can make a person with autism irritable without knowing why. So, by knowing what autistic people themselves find irritating, you will be able to facilitate inclusion. Autistic people often suffer from emotional complications, mainly due to anxiety and exhaustion. In this video, you will learn 5 things that autistic people find really irritating: 1. Breaking the eating routine; 2. Lack of predictability when waiting; 3. White lies and lack of transparency; 4. Social traps; 5. Abrupt interruptions. In addition, you will learn a little more about the symptoms and mental processing of autistic people. This way, you will have a better idea of how to make life easier for your dear neurodivergent people. #mildautism #adultautism #autismhasnoface _______ ???? And for those of you who want to participate in the Female Autism MasterClass, click on the link and register: https://lygiapereira.com.br/masterclass Book Simplifying Autism: https://loja.literarebooks.com.br/aut... Other books: https://loja.literarebooks.com.br/par... Emotions chart: https://lygiapereira.com.br/quadro-da... Instagram: / lygiapereira.psi Download the pdf on Telegram to do your energy accounting: https://t.me/espectrofeminino Playlists: / lygiapereirapsicopedagoga 0:00 Introduction 2:26 Food sensitivity. 3:55 Waiting time. 5:52 Lack of transparency. 10:00 Social traps. 12:08 Abrupt interruptions.