The government is not going to solve the housing problem and what they themselves are recognizing. THE SOLUTION IS NEEDED NOW and the way could be the CITY COUNCILS. They are independent bodies that may, within their legislative capacity, generate a change in their municipality. I'll tell you how in this video. 📳 Join my ALL IN WhatsApp Community to access more exclusive weekly content: https://chat.wapp.ly/aQWr9d ―――― 🔗SHALL WE CONNECT?🔗 ―――― 📘 Totally FREE: Download my Free Guide with the 8 keys to finding Real Estate Investment Opportunities: http://tinyurl.com/yuw4v7oh 🤝 Discover the IN Program, my Advanced Training. Sign up for the Priority List for its next Edition ➜ https://bit.ly/Lista_Programa_IN ――――🔎 VIDEO GUIDE 🔍―――― 0:00 ➜ Problem of Access to Housing, current situation. 4:16 ➜ 5 Measures to Generate more Housing. 4:47 ➜ Eliminate the obligation of a garage. 6:13 ➜ Eliminate the obligation to access the home through the building's entrance. 7:19 ➜ Eliminate the need for ventilation to the roof. 8:43 ➜ Reduce the time it takes to obtain the license. 10:03 ➜ Lower taxes. 11:15 ➜ Solution to the problem.