5 Secrets Banks Don't Tell You Do you know everything about your bank? In today's video, guys, we're going to talk about banking institutions and the many secrets they don't want you to know. I'm going to tell you all kinds of things that happen inside banks and with your own money that you often have no idea about. So if you want to stay on top of everything, stay until the end of this video and check out these five secrets that will make you open your eyes and be more careful with your money! 00:00 - 5 Secrets That Banks Don't Tell You 01:57 - Banks do a lot of things in the gray area 05:05 - Bank managers are not friends 06:55 - You don't need to pay bank fees 08:05 - Banks are not ashamed 10:22 - Fractional reserve system .. #benzruel #bensincero #comoserrico Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/benzruel?su... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▼Follow Ben Zruel on Social Media ▼ • Official Website » http://benzruel.com.br • Telegram » http://benzruel.com.br/telegram • https://www.youtube.com/c/benzruel?su... ???? Subscribe to the Channel ????A production: NPD Marketing Digital Website: https://www.npddesign.com.br/ Instagram: http://bit.ly/Instagram-da-NPD ..