5 RULES OF THE BEST TANK PLAYER! ???? Telegram Channel - https://t.me/neartv ???? Diffynder Channel - https://bit.ly/diffynder ???? WolfHeart Channel - / @wolfheart666 ???? C1yMba Channel - / @c1ymba ► Today there will be a video with tips from the best tank players for regular players in the games World of Tanks and World of Tanks - 5 rules of the game of the best tank player, what you need to do to play better in the world of tanks or world of tanks, how to improve statistics and become a top-1 player, what you need to pay attention to in order to progress and correctly read the enemy's setup, how to choose the right position - all this in the section secrets of the statistician from Near_You. Enjoy watching the video, tankers! ???? Near_You Best Battles and Cuts Channel - https://bit.ly/3ybAZIj ???? VKPlay Channel - https://vkplay.live/near_you ???? Trovo Channel - https://trovo.live/NearYou ???? Exclusive Content on Boosty - https://boosty.to/near_you ???? Near_You Website → https://nearyou.gg/ ???? Instagram → / neartv ???? VK Group → http://vk.com/near_just_skill ???? For Cooperation write here → [email protected] #nearyou #near_you #neer #niryu #wotguide #wotreview #wot #worldoftanks #mirtankov #tanks #tanksrules #mirtankovtips #whattodotanks #wotguide #secretsofstatistics