We teach how to develop collections and effectively manage the assortment in the course "Assortment Matrix" http://tinyurl.com/5bwtd253 The webinar is conducted by Ekaterina Dyagileva, a practicing expert in assortment development. Ekaterina managed the production block at Paninter, Incity, Gregory, and is currently developing her own brand, Russian Season. Key points: ✓ Why the assortment matrix is the most important thing ✓ Assortment matrix - what are the rules for the industry ✓ Why it is so important to monitor, analyze, and calculate ✓ How the assortment matrix helps save money Register for other free webinars: http://tinyurl.com/4jm6x48e Follow us on Telegram and VK. There is an up-to-date schedule of our online lectures, as well as many free materials from the courses: Telegram: https://t.me/+hqD9hh72WdE1MGUy VK: https://vk.com/fashionfactoryschool #fashionfactory #fashionfactoryschool