???????? I'm going to reveal the 5 most basic mistakes that you should absolutely not make when buying a property in Spain! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lisbob is the #1 expat assistant! ????Lisbob helps you live in Spain: https://www.lisbob.net/fr/services-ex... ???? Download the free Lisbob app on Android and iOS ???? Find your ideal property: https://lisbob.typeform.com/to/LTcq54? ???? Discover Lisbob's library: guides dedicated to expatriation https://www.lisbob.net/fr/livres ???? Also visit my blog: https://www.lisbob.net/fr/blog-vivre-... ????Subscribe to our Facebook page: / lisbobhello -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you an expatriate in Spain and looking for the house of your dreams? Or are you simply looking to invest in real estate and make a profit? There are many reasons to buy a house in Spain, and there are many mistakes to avoid. Indeed, many expatriates have rushed into purchasing their property and have unfortunately had to face many adventures, and sometimes significant financial losses. House seized after purchase, bad estimate of real estate taxes, you have to be careful when buying a house or real estate in Spain. What are the pitfalls to avoid when purchasing a property? Lisbob, the expat assistant, reveals the 5 mistakes you should absolutely avoid when buying your house in Spain. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voiceover: [email protected]