My loves, how are you?! I am happy to share this video with you, as it has been so long awaited and requested. It shows the process of applying epoxy resin to a real piece, going step by step in the application process. Remember that you can leave me your comments and questions in the description box💜 ⭐️Dare to explore your interior through art⭐️ Here is the direct link to sign up for the membership ($ 15 dollars a month): https://almaymandalas.com/p/membresia... or the pointillism pattern guide ($ 7 dollars or free when you enter the membership)💜: https://almaymandalas.com/p/guia-de-p... 🩵Join this channel✨ it helps to continue making videos for you💝 thank you very much / @almaymandalas Direct link to Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alma_y_mand... I love you🧡 Tamy