⭐️ The best offers for running courses from Simple Run for our subscribers - https://simplerun.ru/ytpromo Usually, city runs on the highway or cross-country are designated in kilometers, and competitions on the running track are designated in meters. That is, 10 kilometers is a run on the highway, and 10,000 meters is a race on the track. World records on both the road and the track are 13 minutes for five kilometers. But we are talking about people who run marathons in about 2 hours. For a beginner, the average result is considered to be from 30 to 40 minutes. But we want a more impressive result! Advanced runners often set a goal of 20 minutes, but this is far from for everyone. I did a test run of 5 km in my training and ran it in 17:48. It was not very easy. So let's choose an adequate and interesting goal - 5 kilometers faster than 25 minutes. Today we'll talk about how to achieve this goal for all levels of runners: training, a preparation plan, recommendations from Simple Run head coach Joseph Spindler and much more! ⭐️ Simple Run app - https://simplerun.ru/app Warm-up before a 5 km race: 4 minutes of slow jogging (Zone 1) 3 times - 30 seconds fast / 30 seconds easy 4 minutes of slow jogging (Zone 1) There should be no more than 20 minutes between the end of the warm-up and the start of the race! So if you start it 25 minutes before the start - it will be ideal. Cool-down after the race: a very light recovery jog, at any time after the race (but on the same day!) - 15-20 minutes. ⭐️ Simple Run channel in English - / @simple_run ⭐️ Our Telegram channel - https://t.me/simplerun_channel ⭐️ Our VKontakte page - https://vk.com/simplerun 0:00 Introduction 0:55 5 km or 5000 meters 2:29 What does a half marathon have to do with it? 4:41 How long does it take to run 5 km? 5:27 5 km in 25 minutes 10:22 Answers to questions from the previous issue 13:39 Race #5km #5kmIn25minutes #SimpleRun