Download 20 Free Distancing Games: https://edfisica.recriandojogosebrinc... Complete Lesson Plan for the Early Years: https://recriandojogosebrincadeiras.c... Physical Education Materials Combo: https://recriandojogosebrincadeiras.c... Instagram: / recriando_jogos_e_brincadeiras Face: / 417344212836901 Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/jlEvrawvt7czMjA... We have selected 5 suggestions for warm-up games. Games that have been used and approved in practice. We hope to contribute to the creation of your daily lesson plan. Follow our page for more tips, we have a lot of content there, focused on School Physical Education. Any questions or suggestions, leave them in the comments. Here you will also see: Physical Education at School In-person classes Lesson plan Physical Education Play Physical Education Games toys and games Games with Distancing