Whenever we search for DECORATION TIPS or DECORATION IDEAS, we find many beautiful photos on the internet, right? Have you ever noticed that these environments seem perfect, always well-organized and with everything in order? But in practice we know that this is not how it works and there are many essential items in a home that NOBODY SHOWS IN DECORATION MAGAZINES AND WEBSITES. When we think about decorating our homes, we want to know about a FITTED KITCHEN. CARPENTRY, KITCHEN COUNTER, BEDROOM DECORATION, LIVING ROOM, PORCELAIN and much more, but the items in this video today are also very important and we have to pay attention to them, here is a list of 5 DECORATION ITEMS THAT MAGAZINES DON'T SHOW: ITEM 1 - DISH TOWEL - When decorating a kitchen, whether it's an American or a closed kitchen, everyone is concerned with aesthetics, which will be the best countertop that doesn't stain, the best flooring, the carpentry, gourmet faucet, etc., but few people worry about where the dish towel will be in the kitchen. Imagine having a PLANNED KITCHEN with dish towels thrown everywhere? In the kitchen we have 3 types of cloth that should be used, the first of which is the dish towel and as the name suggests it is used to dry dishes and cutlery, even if you have a drainer or dishwasher, a dish towel may be necessary in your home. Another cloth is the dishcloth, which is used to dry hands, can also be used to cover fruits, appliances and other items to protect them from dust, and can also be used to support hot items on the counter. Finally, we have the cloth that we use on the counter itself, to dry. The cloths can be stored in drawers folded and rolled up, avoiding too many seams as this makes cleaning difficult. The first way to store dishcloths is in the niche of the carpentry with a rail, which can be with or without a door. Another way is to use a mobile support hanging on the door of the lower cabinet, another way is using the stove or oven, or even a handle or even on hooks; ITEM 2 – BROOMS – The broom can be placed on hooks attached to the wall, on supports attached behind the door, inside planned carpentry made for custom brooms, it can have a horizontal drawer, a large drawer in the place of the kitchen plinth; ITEM 3 – CLOTHES LINE – The clothesline is essential unless you have a washing machine and a dryer in your home like in American homes. We have the magic clothesline, which is collected as a very discreet channel on the wall, we have the wall clothesline, which is very simple and the best known, we have the suspended clothesline, which is on the ceiling and we lower it when necessary, we have the accordion clothesline that is foldable, the floor clothesline. There is the carpentry clothesline, which can be with runners or made of carpentry itself, we have the retractable clothesline that can be rolled up and attached with hooks; ITEM 4 – HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES – It is not very attractive in a kitchen when we put all these portable appliances on the counter, and leave it full of exposed sockets, it does not look good. There are appliances that we use more, such as a coffee maker, sandwich maker, toaster, etc. A cool way to use these appliances is to use a pantry, but the best way to hide them is to put them in a custom cabinet; ITEM 5 – KITCHEN CUPBOARD ORGANIZATION – Let's start with the detergent, we can use a detergent dispenser, we can put a sponge holder inside the sink or even use a damp gutter that can hold all of them, or we can even put a drawer in front of the sink to hide detergent, sponge, squeegee, etc. Another cool thing is to use a hanging bar on your countertop, it can have spice racks, niches and shelves, we can put a holder with a magnet for knives, but be careful. In the cabinets, put the ones you use less higher up and the items you use most at a more accessible height. Use wire organizers to place cups, a second height to store items in the cabinets, place the pans near the stove, you can stack pans, there are lid holders too, there is a support for frying pans, there is a drainer in the overhead cabinet, there can be a cutlery drawer near the sink, a drawer for placemats and dishcloths nearby, even drawers for pots and lids. I hope the video helps, here are the videos mentioned: COLOR PALETTE: • HOW TO CHOOSE COLORS - COLOR PALETTE... SERVICE AREA: • PERFECT SERVICE AREA OR LAUNDRY... KITCHEN ACCESSORIES: • FITTED KITCHEN - 14 ACCESSORIES AND... WET TROUGH: • IS A WET TROUGH IN THE KITCHEN WORTH IT? PANTRY: • PANTRY HOW TO OPTIMIZE SPACES WITH... • WHY DON'T WE BUILD LIKE AMERICANS? • 10 SIMPLE TIPS TO MAKE YOUR HOME LOOK LIKE... • 10 DECORATIONS THAT DEVALUE YOUR HOME • 10 OUT OF FASHION DECORATIONS - ITEMS THAT... Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL and share with anyone who might like the topic. ______________________________________________________________ Follow me on INSTAGRAM: / planarqcampos SUBSCRIBE to the channel / @planarqcampos #archi