In this video, which follows the video on choosing your 4L, when buying. We will see how to properly prepare your 4L in 22 points. The insta of this Youtube channel: / lavieillebe. . The networks of people who provided me with photos to illustrate the video (don't hesitate to follow them): Les 12L d'or: / les-12l-dor-105505684443714 La Lorraine 4L / la-lorraine-4l-105401014502346 Lagence Tout Rics: https://www.instagram.com/agence_tout... / lagence-tout-rics-4l-trophy-2021-108327273... 4legendes: / 4legends_off Tomtom & Cécé: / tomtomcece 4L of Tomorrow: / 4loftomorrow Tony: / ctonyr Sandstorm 4L: / sandstorm4l.4ltrophy2021 https://www.instagram.com/sandstorm4l... Team Arsouille: / team.arsouille HUMANITY&4l: / humanity4l-430821981011774