Moments before the Cruz Guía is put on the street, the bands of San Juan Evangelista de Triana and Santísimo Cristo de las Tres Caídas de Triana get ready to make their parade from the Altozano until they form at the door of their Chapel. It is impossible to hear and see these images and not shed a tear thinking about what could have been... The Marches that are playing are: San Juan Evangelista; Esperanza de Triana Coronada Stmo. Cristo de las Tres Caidas; San Marcial Niños de Triana ????INSTAGRAM: / desde_triana_oficial DO YOU WANT TO SEE MORE VIDEOS?? SUBSCRIBE AND ACTIVATE THE BELL!! From now on I have a personalized incense called #DESDETRIANA if you want to get it you can write to me through my instagram @alefox93 Are you looking for the best incense?? Inciensos Sevilla brings it to you; https://inciensosdesevilla.es/index.php intro: • Video #TRIANA #MADRUGÁ #TRESCAIDAS