???????? The Rome Metro is a network of metropolitan lines managed by ATAC on behalf of Roma Capitale, serving the city of Rome and the main axis of Rome's public transport system. It is currently made up of three lines, identified with different letters and colors, for a total length of 60 km and 75 stations. ???????? The Rome Metro is a network of metropolitan lines managed by ATAC on behalf of Roma Capitale, serving the city of Rome and the main axis of Rome's public transport system. It is currently made up of three lines, identified with different letters and colors, for a total length of 60 km and 75 stations. 00:00 - Line A / Line A 02:38 - Line B / Line B 06:52 - Line C / Line C Line A / Line A: - Valle Aurelia - Cipro - Flaminio (ROME - VITERBO) - Spagna - Cornelia Line B / Line B: - Castro Pretorio - Cavour - Piramide (ROME - LIDO) - Basilica San Paolo (ROME - LIDO) - Colosseum Line C / Line C: - Torrenova - Giardinetti ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????????: https://www.instagram.com/mezzi_di_tr... Contact us: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=82341212 #mezziditrasportochannel Copyright: Samuele Furia