Keisei Electric Railway This video introduces the passing of limited express trains (3000 series, 3700 series) and rapid trains at a maximum speed of 100 km/h at Keisei Koiwa, Edogawa, Konodai, and Ichikawa-Mama. Keisei Electric Railway has mutual interchange with Toei Asakusa Line and Keikyu Electric Railway, so you can see Keikyu and Toei trains! ! The track width is standard gauge, so it seems to run smoothly even at high speeds. Limited express trains and rapid trains are operated with 8 cars, and regular trains are operated with 6 cars. JR East Japan It runs parallel to the Sobu Line and is a rival, but the weakness of Keisei is that it has many curves and crossings, making it difficult to operate at high speeds. However, the Skyliner, which provides access to Narita Airport, runs on a different track from the Hokuso Railway and Narita Sky Access Line, and high-speed operation is implemented here. Filming was done from various angles within the station, and all trains have train information and speed indicators.・Vehicles introduced: Keisei 3000 series, 3700 series, 3500 series, 3400 series Toei 5500 series Keikyu 1000 series