THE 46 ROSARIES IN HONOR OF SAINT MARY OF GUADALUPE This venerable tradition links the month of October, dedicated to the Holy Rosary, from the 28th to December 12, the date of the Feast of Saint Mary of Guadalupe. The devotion began more than one hundred years ago on the initiative of Monsignor Antonio Plancarte y Labastida, Abbot of the Tepeyac temple in the 19th century, who had a great devotion to the Virgin Morena and to whom is attributed the origin of this devotion. It was thanks to the initiative of Monsignor Plancarte that the Virgin Morena received the papal coronation in 1895 and that the Old Basilica of Guadalupe was built and enlarged. The origin of this devotion was with the usual daily prayer of the holy rosary in the gardens of the Sanctuary (current Basilica) until the day of the Feast of Saint Mary of Guadalupe, on December 12, and it was established that there would be 46 rosaries in reference to the 46 stars that are seen on the mantle of Our Lady of Guadalupe. #ROSARIESANDCATHOLICPRAYERS #46ROSARIES #GUADALUPANOROSARY