This is a German lesson to learn a lot of vocabulary, specifically 40 German verbs that always have the accusative case (AKKUSATIV) when they are used. It is a way to make learning the German cases (die deutschen Fälle) easier by focusing on one case: accusative and on the most important verbs that are always used with it. If you learn these verbs it will be easier for you to know when the Akkusativ case is used when speaking German, and thus avoid getting confused. In this video you will also hear many example sentences with these verbs. I will explain everything in a quick and easy way, since this beautiful language sometimes presents a challenge for Spanish speakers. Learn German on YouTube. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel here: / @tomaleman You can contact me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tomas.der.Pr... INSTAGRAM: Tomas.der.profe Here is the list of verbs that appear in the video: aufräumen (to arrange, to put something in order) anrufen (to call on the phone) anschauen (to look at something) bauen (to build) bekommen (to receive) benutzen (to use, to utilize...) bestellen (to order, to ask...) brauchen (to need) drücken (to push, to press...) drucken (to print) erfinden (to invent) erfahren (to find out about something) essen (to eat) fragen (to ask) frühstücken (to have breakfast) haben (to have) hassen (to hate) hören (to hear) informieren (to inform / to be informed) kaufen (to buy) küssen (to kiss) lesen (to read) lieben (to love) lösen (to solve, to take off...) nutzen (to use, to serve...) meinen (to refer to..., to think, to give an opinion...) (drink) übersetzen (translate) vergessen (forget) verlieren (lose) verstehen (understand) wollen (want) These are the example sentences used in the video: Ich rufe dich an. (I'll call you by phone.) Ich bekomme eine E-Mail. (I receive an e-mail.) Wir essen einen Apfel. (We eat an apple.) Ich frage dich nach etwas. (I'm asking you about something.) Du hast niemals Zeit für meine Fragen. (You never have time for my questions.) Ich hasse deine Fragen. (I hate your questions.) Hans kauft heute einen Tisch. (Hans buys a table today.) Ich liebe dich. (I love you.) Sara putzt ihre Wohnung. (Sarah cleans her apartment.) Wir trinken jetzt einen Kaffee. (Now we have a coffee.) Ich will dieses Video beenden. (I want to finish this video.) Vielen Dank!! Tomaleman German with Tomás learn German with Tomas learn German online for Spanish speakers