???? Be my mentee at Mentoria Start ???? https://www.pedrodellanora.com.br/men... ???? Follow me on Instagram and see my day-to-day life at the store ???? / pedrodellanora ???? Receive content also on Telegram ???? https://t.me/+O6PMA-ymaPM3OGIx ------------ Hey Meteoricians, how are you? It doesn't matter if you have a small grocery store, a grocery store, a market or a supermarket. If you don't have a butcher's section, you're leaving money on the table. The butcher's section is an excellent section in the supermarket to make a profit and profit, as long as you apply the right techniques. That's why in this video I bring you what I have been applying in my supermarket to attract more customers, sell more, and of course, sell profitably through a profitable butcher's shop!