#Why professional women are smart and ignorant #Studying is the easiest This is a video about the reasons why professional women in their 40s fail and how to deal with them, organized through my experience and stories around me. What is the most important thing in life, and what should we do after getting the desired results in studying? Everything depends on the law of cause and effect. 1. Life is 3 and 7 2. Severance of relationships 3. Your illusion of success 4. Misunderstandings around you that you must be smart 1. Let's learn about online education: Marriage is careful, divorce is quick How to establish myself: Aryu Analects (Palil, Gongyajang) For more information, visit Naver Cafe 'Know Lawyer' https://cafe.naver.com/knowlawyer 2. Abyun Jeongsu: Study, if it doesn't work like this, give up (2020. Wisdom House) 3. Aryu Analects Channel Membership / @korealawyer2043