This time, they will battle on a global stage. Participants: Retort, Kiyo, Ushizawa, and Gatchman Commentary on "Momotaro Dentetsu World ~The Earth Revolves on Hope!~" Next⇒ • [4-person commentary] The TOP 4 in "Momotaro Dentetsu World" with a shocking ending • [4-person commentary] Momotetsu played with special rules, and the excitement was a close one Please subscribe to our channel! ⇒http://goo.gl/OZrD3u [We would appreciate your comments and high ratings] ★Stupid games playlist⇒ • Stupid games and fun games commentary ★Commentary part 1 collection playlist⇒ • Commentary part 1 collection ◆Retort Twitter⇒ / retokani ◆Instagram⇒ / retort64 ◆Also active on Niconico⇒http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/14930070 ◆Niconico Channel⇒http://ch.nicovideo.jp/retort #MomotaroDentetsuWorld