Join the world of Stalker Online: https://stalker.so/ Promo code for a week of premium: zanzax 4 Cut Quests - STALKER The STALKER series of games has a lot of cut content and in this video I will tell you about 4 side, secret quests or missions that were cut from stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. I'm on Vkontakte: https://vk.com/zanzax Donate here: http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/zanzax 4 Cut Quests - STALKER, 4 cut tasks - Stalker, 4 cut missions stalker, Secret Quests stalker, Cut quests - stalker, Cut tasks - stalker, 4 cut quests - stalker, stalker cut quests, stalker cut tasks, 4 secret tasks stalker, 4 secret quests - stalker, stalker cut, stalker cut, stalker cut, stalker secrets, secret quest stalker, hidden quest, quests that you missed stalker, quests, hidden quests, secret monsters stalker, stalker secrets, stalker tasks, stalker why, stalker where to find, stalker builds, stalker build, ZanZax / ZanZax