It's been three years since I joined bintroll with Quartet. I'm able to enjoy streaming like this today thanks to everyone's support. Thank you so much as always🌸I hope we can have even more fun together in our fourth year than last year! Let's have a lot of fun today's stream🐰🐻Stream tag: #Karujira3rdAnniversary@QuartetBintroll If you found this stream even a little interesting, I would be happy if you liked it and subscribed to the channel! *Cut-out videos will not be allowed for today's stream*Half of the Super Chats received today will be given to Quartet. Your names will be read out at a later date. ▼Quartet [Twitter] / quartetbintroll [Instagram] / bintroll.quartet [Goods] https://quartet-bintroll.booth.pm/ ▼Jirai-chan [Twitter] / jiraic_bintroll [Instagram] / bintroll.jiraichan [Peko-tagram] / pekopeko_pekota [Jirai-chan LINE Stamps] https://line.me/S/sticker/20293015?_f... [HoneD LINE Stamps] https://line.me/S/sticker/20292795?_f... ▼BinTRoLL WEB [Youtube] https://www.youtube.com/c/bintroll/?s... [Official] https://bintroll.amebaownd.com/ [Goods] https://bintroll.booth.pm/ [LINE Stamps] https://line.me/S/sticker/11379027