[Korean restaurants verified by KBS????] ▶ Korean Restaurant K-map: https://kmap.kbs.co.kr ▶ See the map of places where sea bream soup was introduced: https://me2.do/FCB7BN56 #KoreanRestaurant #KoreanFood #Table #Mokpo #Jeollanam-do #Jeollanam #Hairtail #Dried Hairtail #Sea bream #Horsefish #HorsefishSamhap #Octopus #Three-legged Octopus #Healing #Restaurant #Nature #Health #Cooking #Travel - [Korean Table]|KBS 20200109 Broadcast ● Place where Hong-eo was introduced Indongju Village 061-284-4068 ● Place where Sea bream soup was introduced Myeonginjip See the location: https://me2.do/FCB7BN56 061-244-8308 ● Place where three-legged octopus was introduced Village Chief Minbak Hoe-jip 010-6292-4252 - ※Please check the broadcast date! We recommend that those who wish to visit contact the store before visiting. (Source: Program homepage)