※ This video is part of the July 5, 2011 broadcast of <Education Sites Around the World - Dreams Come True: Report on the Entrance Exam Frenzy>. The fierce competition to enter prestigious universities in India is even more intense than in Korea. In the small city of Kota, there are as many as 100 entrance exam prep schools. Not only that, every year, 40,000 people, more than the population of the area, flock to these schools. It is a veritable tsunami of students. There is only one reason why so many students leave their hometowns and come all the way here. It is because Kota is known as the gateway to India's most prestigious university, the Indian Institute of Technology. ✔ Program name: World Education Site - Dreams Come True Report on the Entrance Exam Fever Zone ✔ Broadcast date: 2011.07.05 #GolladyeonDocumentary #WorldEducationSite #India #IndianEducation #IndianGenius #IndianInstituteofTechnology #IndianEntranceExam #IndianAcademy #IndianEducationFever #CastSystem #Caste #IndiaTravel