■ Baek Gi-jong, former head of the violent crimes team at Suseo Police Station / Lee Yong-ho, visiting professor at Wonkwang University / Shin Ji-ho, former Saenuri Party member / Choi Dan-bi, attorney [Anchor] Another one we’re talking about now is also a really great thief. How could she steal over 100 million won in 5 years from a mart? Team leader. [Interview] Team leader Cho of the violent crimes team 4 at Gimpo Police Station in Gyeonggi Province was in charge of this case, and this woman is an amazing woman. She’s a 60-year-old woman who lives in Gimpo, and she actually lied to her husband that she was going to the market or to take care of work. Her husband is at home. But she stole from the mart every day for 5 years, and what’s unique is that she hired a private taxi and drove around in it like a private car. [Anchor] A private taxi? [Interview] She stole like this. The total amount that was revealed over 5 years is 180 million won. I checked exactly and it says 219 times. What does 219 mean? It means that he stole from 63 places, sold them, and received money, so it was 219 times. But this person has a similar criminal record in 2005. And what’s unique about this person is that although it wasn’t reported, he used to run a mart. So he knew the loopholes of the mart and how to take things without being caught, and he set a surprising record. This is a case of a housewife who is a thief by profession. [Anchor] How did she get 100 million won… It seems like the family didn’t know. [Interview] As the team leader explained earlier, the family went after her husband left for work. [Anchor] But the items… [Interview] They didn’t bring the items home. So, as you said, she really did business professionally. She gave the items to a wholesaler she was connected to and received the money. I can’t help but suspect it because there were no items. But there was 100 million won in cash. When I asked where she spent it, she said it was for living expenses or loan interest. If she had given me 180 million won for living expenses, there was no way my husband wouldn’t know. And if she had a luxury bag, there was no way he wouldn’t know. Even if my husband wasn’t interested, if he had taken out a loan on top of that, he would have definitely known where the loan was going. His spending must have been different from that of other housewives. Did he really not know? I doubted myself if they weren’t a couple who were really, really uninterested. [Interview] I’m afraid that there might be copycat crimes. In fact, Ma... (omitted) ▶ Original article: http://www.ytn.co.kr/_ln/0103_2015091... ▶ Tip-off information: http://goo.gl/gEvsAL, mobile app, [email protected], #2424 ▣ Subscribe to YTN YouTube Channel: http://goo.gl/Ytb5SZ [ Korea News Channel YTN ]