-Speaker: Mr. Miguel Anxo Bastos Boubeta. Doctor in Economics and Business. -Presenter: Mr. Fernando Caamaño de Aramburu. Graduate in Law. Head of HR at FCC Medio Ambiente. The doctor in Economics and Business, Miguel Anxo Bastos, participated in the IV Conference of Catholics and Public Life in Vigo with the conference 'Christianity and market economy', dedicating his intervention to defending the market economy from a Christian point of view. "Capitalism, which is not intuitive, is often misinterpreted and judged by its consequences, and not by its origins, which are deeply Christian," he said. Presented by the head of HR at FCC Medio Ambiente, Fernando Caamaño, the professor from the University of Santiago de Compostela started from the basis that "the Church is indifferent to the form of State, and also to the economic form," and he added that the basis of capitalism is an "ascetic" mentality. «Capitalism is based on restricting consumption: people have to save and reinvest in the best way possible,» he said. That is why Bastos continued «capitalism is not an economic system, but a system of values,» and argued that «religion reinforces capitalism and capitalism, not consumerism, reinforces religion.» The professor, in this line, argued that capitalism «is the only system that shows, with numbers in hand, that it is cheaper to buy than to steal, or that slavery is not only immoral, but is an economic disaster.» Bastos also insisted that «capitalism is neutral,» and that its negative consequences do not depend on the system, but on the «hardness of heart» of the citizens who apply it.