"I HAVE 7 CHILDREN: I EXPLAINED TO THEM THAT I COULD DIE" - ANGELA PESCHIR - TELL ME HOW! WITH ANTONIA FUDULU ''I am a flower child. I lived in poverty. The mother was forced to live in abandoned houses. Books helped me not to feel poverty. After they gave me the diagnosis, I got home and went to bed. I have 7 children. I explained to them that I might die. Why should I be afraid? We all owe a death," Angela told us. Watch his full story Sunday at 8pm on TELL ME HOW! with Antonia Fudulu. #copii #morte #flori #copil #trai #saracie #mama #casa #parasit #carti #ajutor #saracie #diagnostic #acasa #culcat #frica #datorie #povestedeviata #angelapeschir #spunemicum #antoniafudulu ???? Subscribe to our channel YouTube: https://bit.ly/2HMI0oz ???? Follow us on Social Media: / a7tv.ro / a7tv.ro / a7tvromania ???? Find out the latest news on our website: https://www.a7tv.ro A7TV is a generalist television, which aims to bring common sense, education, authentic spirituality, culture and defining values to the audio-visual landscape humanity.