HELLO, SAPAZOS! Juan 'Chiquito' Flores was this week's new guest and talked about everything with '#Puchungo'. The former goalkeeper of the Peruvian national team remembered his beginnings in football and how he dedicated himself to harvesting herbs in his farm in Huaral. In addition, he revealed that his mother 'patched' Magaly, who is also from Huaral, so that she stops talking about her offspring. NOO! Also, 'Chiquito' Flores told the details of his 'fight' with Waldir Sáenz, even revealing that the 'historic scorer' sent someone to scare him in a meeting. Despite this well-known confrontation with the blue and white legend, 'Chiquito' confirmed that it would be a pleasure to talk to Waldir. Juan Flores also told our host that he dreamed of wearing the blue and white, but something prevented him from doing so. WHAT HAPPENED? This and more confessions on your favorite weekend show, you know, leave your like, comment and share the video so that it reaches more 'sapazos' Sincerely: the great management. Our social networks: Facebook: / deporperu Twitter: / tuitdepor Instagram: deporcom Tik Tok: https://bit.ly/3esOl7t