00:00-11:23 We will show you with an experiment whether it is possible to lower blood cholesterol without taking medication, just by changing your diet? Nazanin Motamedi, the producer of the 37 Degrees program, changed her diet to a completely vegetarian diet for a month to answer this question. 11:25-13:37 Is brown sugar healthier than white sugar? Is it true that brown sugar has fewer calories than white sugar and more nutrients? 13:44-24:10 In this episode, we will discuss the mental health of children and adolescents. Many of you asked us how to explain bad news and unpleasant events to children? News of war, the death of children, or news of the illness of a family member, or the decision of parents to separate. Dr. Hadi Shaker, a specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry, has answered these questions in this program: How should parents explain their decision to separate and divorce to their children? How should you tell your child if one of your parents has a serious illness? How can you keep your child from being bombarded with bad news, such as the family's worsening financial situation?