*This video contains paid advertisements for the 'Korea Student Aid Foundation'. Everyone! Is going to college a must? Also, what is the college entrance rate in each country? They say that in Korea, there is a way to move towards your career path early without going to college! We talked about what methods there are and related systems~ If there are any subscribers who are thinking about their career path right now, please watch this video!!!👍 ★Curious about vocational high schools?★ ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ #HighFive https://www.hifive.go.kr/index.jsp #HighSchoolManjab https://portal.kosaf.go.kr/CO/jcActio... #CentralEmploymentSupportCenter / moe_centralwork #VocationalHighSchool #MeisterHighSchool #Career #4thIndustry Inquiries: [email protected]