NL (FR plus bass - EN below) These recordings made in 1990 and 1991 give a picture of the (nationwide) operation of the single-track between De Pinte and Oudenaarde, part of line 86. In the stations Gavere-Asper and Zingem could the trains cross a bypass whose security occurred with three-stand mechanical wall arrangement. EN These recordings made in 1990 and 1991 give a picture of the (rural) operation of the single-track line between De Pinte and Oudenaarde, part of line 86. In the stations of Gavere-Asper and Zingem, the trains could be crossed by an avoidance pathway whose protection was secured by a three-position mechanical signal. EN These recordings made in 1990 and 1991 give an image of the (rural) operation of the single track line between De Pinte and Oudenaarde, part of line 86. In the Gavere-Asper and Zingem stations, trains could cross each other by a siding protected by three-position mechanical signaling.