This Pilates class with the fitball aims to work on postural muscles to make them stronger and more stable, improve your balance and your center of gravity, there will be muscle stretching and joint mobility, to make your body stronger and free from tension. #fitball #fitballpilates #swissball #stabilityball #stabilitytraining #stabilityballworkout #posturalgymnastics #posturalpilates #posturalcorrectionexercises #pilatesacasa #workout #pilatesperbeginners If you want to take a guided Pilates course go to the website https://fitgreta.it and choose the course that's right for you. I hope you like this video and if so let me know with a like, a comment, subscribing to the channel or sharing this workout. INSTAGRAM: @fitgreta FACEBOOK: @fitgreta TIKTOK: @fitgreta EMAIL: [email protected] Disclaimer: Please consult your physician or healthcare professional before starting this workout. If you feel any pain or discomfort at any time during this class, stop immediately. By using this video, you understand and agree that “Fitgreta” will not be held responsible for any injuries or damages you may suffer as a result of this workout video.