I'm going to give you 3 tips to make your motorcycle's clutch lighter, softer and smoother, all in a single video, with some bonus tips that you need to know, mechanics hate me for sharing this lol Everything I'm going to show in this video is based on a lot of research, studies and tests that I myself did on more than 10 motorcycles that I already own, these are tips that will make your clutch extremely light and soft, you'll be surprised. Watch this entire video without skipping any part, it will be worth it for you to learn these tips that I want to pass on and I'm always giving some extra tips during the video, so make the most of it hehe, I hope I helped, Thanks for watching! Don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel, it helps a lot. Thanks for the support, TMJ!!! Custom Paintings? ???? Call me on Instagram direct! My painting shop: DZ CUSTOM @dzcustom_oficial / dzcustom_oficial ???? Follow me on Instagram! @cristopherdiniz / cristopherdiniz Contact us via Direct to ask questions. PARTNER CHANNELS DAN SILVA - PLANNED PURCHASE: / @dansilvacompraplanejada DANIEL DA HORNET: / @danieldahornetofc PATRICK DINIZ: / @patrickdiniz6845