Text: Job 32:4-9 NLT Elihu, the young character from the book of Job, made it clear to us that age is not a limit to thinking, acting and speaking wisely. Why do some people, even though they grow in age, remain emotionally immature? -Because they lack wisdom. Many today associated progress, growth with their likes, their followers, the brand of their cell phone, their fame, their age... However, true progress, true growth is determined by the wisdom that you acquire every day. Join me through this message to study 3 Things that give you Wisdom 1. Learn to Respect 2. Live in Consecration 3. Value Training This message will bless you! Juan Pablo Lerman *This message was recorded and produced at LA CENTRAL church @lacentraloficialcol Senior Pastor: Andrés Arango Calle 6 #14-07 San Bosco Cali - Colombia ???????? Our Hours Wednesday 7 pm Saturday 6 pm Sunday 8 and 10 am www.comunidadcentral.org 2023