Video Recipe in collaboration with @NegroniSalumi ► https://www.negroni.com/it Instagram NEGRONI ► ︎ / negronisalumi Facebook NEGRONI ► / negronisalumi ⭐️ ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ► https://shop.fattoincasadabenedetta.it ⭐️ ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ► https://amzn.to/3N5hWHw ⭐️ ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ► https://www.fattoincasadabenedetta.it ■ ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????? ► https://bit.ly/iscrivitiafattoincasad... ■ ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????????? ► / fattoincasadabenedetta ■ ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ▶︎ / fattoincasadabenedetta ■ ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ► https://www.fattoincasadabenedetta.it... ■ ???????????????????????????? ????'???????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ► https://apple.co/3lXvb2X ■ ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ► https://bit.ly/3KrYMv5 ■ ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? Facebook Twitter Instagram ► @FattoinCasaperVoi ■ ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????? ... ???????????????? ???????????????? ► @buonideaofficial ■ ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ► https://www.fattoincasadabenedetta.it... ════ ???????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ════ 3+1 COMFORT FOOD WITH POTATOES - Three recipes plus one featuring potatoes, all simple to prepare and super tasty, ideal for pampering ourselves when the first cold weather arrives! INGREDIENTS ‣ 0:00 Intro ???? ???? POTATOES STUFFED WITH SWEET BACON AND CHEESE ‣ 0:45 4 potatoes 1 onion 160 g Sweet Bacon in Cubes NEGRONI 40 g grated scamorza (+ as much as needed for gratin) olive oil pepper fine salt ???? PASTA WITH POTATOES, PROVOLA AND BACON STICKS ‣ 3:47 400 g potatoes onions carrots celery 140 g BACON STICKS NEGRONI 1 litre of water 1 tablespoon tomato paste 320 g mixed pasta 150 g diced smoked provola cheese 1 sprig of rosemary + as much as needed for garnish olive oil fine salt ???? POTATO AND PUMPKIN CRUMBLE WITH SMOKED BACON ‣ 6:43 600 g potatoes 300 g pumpkin (diced) 140 g Smoked Bacon in NEGRONI Cubes water to taste 1 egg 40 g grated cheese 180 g flour 150 g Emmental cheese in slices breadcrumbs olive oil pepper fine salt ???? PURÈ DEI RICORDI WITH CUBES OF COOKED HAM ‣ 10:56 25 g butter + enough to brown cubes of cooked ham 150 g Cooked Ham in NEGRONI Cubes 500 g boiled potatoes 25 g grated cheese 125 ml warm milk 200 g mozzarella in cubes nutmeg pepper fine salt parsley (for garnish) ‣ 13:25 Greetings ???? PRINTABLE RECIPE ► https://www.fattoincasadabenedetta.it... ════ ???????????????????????? ???????? ════ ■ ???????????????????????????????????? ► / fattoincasadabenedetta ■ ???????????????? ???????????????? ▶︎ / fattoincasadabenedetta ■ ???????????????????????????????????? ▶︎ https://www.pinterest.it/homemadebybenny ■ ???????????????????????? ???? ▶︎ / benedetta1972 ■ ???????????????????????????? ▶︎ / homemadebybenny ■ ???????????????????????????????? ▶︎ https://t.me/fattoincasadabenedetta ■ ???????????????? ???????????? ▶︎ https://www.fattoincasadabenedetta.it ■ ???????????????????????????????????????? ▶︎ https://www.fattoincasadabenedetta.it... ════ ???????????????? ???????????????????? ════ ✪ ???????????????????? ????'???????????? ▶︎ https://amzn.to/3N5hWHw ✪ ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ▶︎ https://amzn.to/3fXxn7s ✪ The Book of the Week ▶︎ https://amzn.to/3iY6tLi ✪ The Book of the Week ▶︎ https://amzn.to/37yRsL7 ✪ The Book of the Week ▶︎ https://amzn.to/31zGYUN ✪ ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ► https://amzn.to/2yDuWNJ ✪ ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ... Check out the new edition of 1 ► http://amzn.to/2m1J9hh ✪ ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ▶︎ https://amzn.to/3BChHNr ═══════════════════════════════ ■ ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ► https://shop.fattoincasadabenedetta.it ■ ???????????????????????????????????????? ▶︎ http://bit.ly/videofattoincasadabened... ■ ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ▶︎http://bit.ly/playlistfattoincasadabe... ■ ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????? ► https://bit.ly/iscrivitiafattoincasad... ════════════════════════════════ ■ ???????????????????????????????? ✉️ Benedetta: [email protected] ✉️ Marco: marco@fa