Learning the electrocardiogram (1) How to recognize a normal ECG? Reading technique, normal P waves, calculation of heart rate, calculation of the heart axis, aspects of QRS complexes, ventricular hypertrophy, QT and QTc interval, measurement of the deviation of the J point and presentation of the normal values of the different parameters. Level students, paramedics and doctors NB. I give ECG courses by video. The goal is to provide good general training to a doctor who wants to use an ECG in his daily practice or revise for exams. See my website homepage http://www.e-cardiogram.com #electrocardiogram #ECG #training #learning #stool #doctor #nurse #diagnosis #treatment #emergency #ventricularhypertrophy #cardiomyopathy #coronary #infarction #branchbranchblock #syncope #pacemaker #atrialfibrillation #flutter #extrasystoles #tachycardia #bradycardia #beginner #normal #technique #error #clinicalcase #quiz