Follow Paulo Araújo on Instagram: / pauloaraujoinsta Didn't understand something that was said in this video? Go to: www.dicionariomineires.com.br and get all your questions answered. Paulo wears Uailand. Did you like the shirt that Paulo is wearing? You can buy it at the link: https://www.uailand.com.br/ 1 - In the south of Minas Gerais we have several celebrities - The actors: Marcos Frota who is from Guaxupé, Selton and Danton Melo who are from Passos and Isis Valverde who is from Aiuruoca. 2 - There is also a famous singer, Rogério Flausino from Jota Quest is from Alfenas 3 - There is a famous comedian, Nanny People is from Machado 4 - There is a famous Youtuber, Everson Zoio is from Extrem 5 - There is a famous model, Daniela Cicarelli is from Lavras. 6 - There is a famous presenter, Milton Neves, who is from Muzambinho. 7 - Speaking of soccer, there are 2 very famous players, Mauro, the captain of the 62nd World Cup, is from Poços de Caldas and none other than Pelé, is from Três Coração. 8 - There is a famous character... Nerso, from Capetinga. The actor Pedro Bismark is not from the South of Minas, he is from Muriaé, but the character, Nerso, is from Capetinga. 9 - There is a musical character who is from the South of Minas, the boy from Porteira is from the road, FROM OURO FINO. 10 - In the South of Minas there are famous people who are not even people. The ET from Varginha, for example, is very famous worldwide and is not even people. The ET could have appeared in Paris, New York, London... but he preferred to land in Varginha. 11 - In the south of Minas Gerais there are very famous cities, like the coldest city in Minas Gerais, which is Maria da Fé. 12 - There is São Tomé das Letras, which is also very famous... 13 - There is Alpinópolis, which has a replica of the Mount of Olives. 14 - Caxambu and Baependi are the closest cities in the world, they are separated by 40 steps (just kidding, it's 6 kilometers). 15 - The beach for the people of Minas Gerais in the south is not Araguari, it's Ubatuba in São Paulo. 16 - Except for the people of Itajubá who go to Praia Grande 17 - In the south of Minas Gerais there is Inconfidentes, the capital of Crochet 18 - There is also Piranguinho, the capital of Pé de Moleque 19 - There is Três Pontas, the capital of Coffee 20 - And speaking of capital, the state capital was once in the south of Minas Gerais, it was once in Pouso Alegre, for 3 days in 2000 Governor Itamar Franco, during a flood, the governor took the capital to Pouso Alegre. 21 - Speaking of Pouso Alegre, they say that the person who brought soccer to Brazil was Charles Muller, but before he returned to Brazil, soccer was already being played in schools in Pouso Alegre according to newspapers of the time. 22 -. Still speaking of soccer, the south of Minas Gerais is the only region of Minas Gerais, besides the Metropolitan Region, that has been the Minas Gerais champion. Caldense from Poços de Caldas was the champion in 2002. 23 - For those who say that Minas doesn't have a sea... it does, Capitólio is known as the Sea of Minas. 24 - The South of Minas is the state that borders the state of São Paulo, so they are responsible for keeping Minas without São Paulo cheese bread by blocking the state's roads. 25 - The South of Minas has its own Silicon Valley, one of the largest technology hubs in Brazil is in Santa Rita do Sapucaí. That must have been where they invented the UAI fi.