Discounted registration for the English Manual course coming soon. Access our VIP group at the link and wait: https://wwrossi.com.br/grupo-vip/ 25 most used EXPRESSIONS WITH TAKE in English The verb take in English is one of the most used in everyday life, as it forms several very useful expressions in conversation. Many people have doubts about how to use the verb take and how to translate it when they see it in a sentence. So I selected the 25 most used expressions with take in English so that you can speak without fear and use the appropriate expression for conversation. Check out our new channel of experiences with my children at the link below: /cienciaemfamilia Don't forget to subscribe there. Be a member of this channel and get benefits: / @williamrossi Practice your English with native speakers through italki. Get $10 in italki credits on your first purchase: http://go.italki.com/manualdoingles #manualdoingles #cursodeinglêsonline I take my kids to school at 7. I'm going to take a painkiller. You have to take this medicine every 8 hours. Take a pill, take a tablet, take an ibuprofen I usually take two showers a day. What time are you going to take the plane? Take a taxi, take a bus Can you take that book, please? Take a look here. Can you take a look? Take a peek I took a lot of photos of the landscapes. I need to take some time off. I will take two weeks off. I need to take a vacation. She is taking piano lessons. What courses are you going to take this semester? Take a test, take an exam, take midterm, take finals I don't want to take part of this project. Do you want to take a walk with me? We could take turns. He is going to take a trip to Europe. I don't want to take a chance. He is taking the risk of losing his job. I can't take it anymore. Do you take credit cards? Did you take the job? Some people like to take a nap after lunch. Where is the concert going to take place? Do you want to take a bite? Take a sip Take your time Take it easy Take it or leave it Take advantage of this opportunity. He is taking advantage of you. Let's take a break! INSTAGRAM / williamrossi_manual FACEBOOK / manualdoinglesoficial WEBSITE http://manualdoingles.com.br