Crash Bandicoot receives its 4th installment more than fifteen years after its last numbered adventure, and we tell you 25 curiosities and secrets that you can find in the game, available for Nintendo Switch and the Playstation and Xbox family of consoles. Gameplay captured with the PS4 version provided to us by @JosanguzYT Thank you very much for helping us! ???? ???? BECOME A MEMBER AND GET EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS! / nintendúo ✨Talk to us on our Discord for members ✨Special emblems in comments and live streams ✨Participate in Nintendo activities and tournaments ✨ Our unconditional love ???? LIVE on Twitch: https://nintenduo.com/twitch ✅ TWITTER: https://nintenduo.com/twitter ✅ INSTAGRAM: https://nintenduo.com/instagram ✅ WEB: https://nintenduo.com ✅ DISCORD: https://nintenduo.com/discord #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #Nintenduo #CrashBandicoot #CrashBandicoot4