LA RUINA is on tour at http://www.laruinashow.com La Ruina from Zaragoza with Ignasi Taltavull (@ignasitf), Tomàs Fuentes (@cap0) and Isma Juárez starting their professional career on the wrong foot. ????️ 12/12/24: 'I don't even know what I'm saying anymore', Ignasi Taltavull's show in Zaragoza: https://entradium.com/events/ignasi-t... The game, the mug and all the official La Ruina merchandising at https://lallamastore.com/ Ignasi Taltavull: / ignasitf / ignasitf Tomàs Fuentes / cap0 / cap0 ???? La Ruina follows on social media: @laruinashow / laruinashow / laruinashow