In this video I will present a large list of programs (21 different ones) that are worth having on your computer. All of them are free and in Polish. I will list the ones that I consider to be the best in their fields. 1. Paker 7 Zip - https://www.7-zip.org/ (but they can be just as good: Bandizip or PeaZip and Easy 7-Zip). It doesn't matter which one - they are based on 7zip technology anyway. 2. Text to audio conversion Balabolka - https://www.cross-plus-a.com/balabolk... (you can download additional free SAPI5 voices from the website (https://www.zlotowicz.pl/synteza/). 3. Microsoft Edge Internet Browser - https://www.microsoft.com/pl-pl/edge (other browsers based on Chromium, such as Brave, Vivialdi or Opera, can also be used). 4. Operating the computer from the system side and keeping it clean Glary Utilities - https://www.glarysoft.com/ (much better than CCleaner). A video about it • A program for operating and cleaning PCs... 5. Comodo Internet Security Premium computer security package (model https://www.instalki.pl/download/prog... - definitely the best computer protection program based on any other paid and free ones. A video about it • Free Comodo antivirus program... 6. HDD and SSD disk health check - Crystal Dysk Info - https://crystalmark.info/en/software/... 7. File manager - Double Commander - https://doublecmd.sourceforge.io/ (you can also use Unreal Commander https://x-diesel.com/ - Double is simpler though. Video about them • Which free file manager to choose... 8. FTP server program - FileZilla (https://filezilla-project.org/) - currently there is no better one. I strongly advise against using FTP through file managers (TC with FTP plugin) - I strongly recommend FileZilla for this. 9. Virtual server creation program - XAMPP (https://www.apachefriends.org/downloa...) - much better than WebServ etc. 10. Graphic program (very advanced) - GIMP (https://www.gimp.org/) additional PhotoShop plugins also work in it. A film about him • The best free graphics program... 11. Personal and home finance program - HomeBank (https://www.gethomebank.org/en/) Very extensive statistics, data and charts. BRILLIANT! 12. File accelerator program for downloading from the Internet - JDownloader 2 (https://jdownloader.org/pl/download/i...) THERE IS NO BETTER! A film about him • What program to choose for downloading files... 13. Codecs for computers for movies and audio - K-Lite Codec Pack (https://www.codecguide.com/download_k...) I recommend the standard set or higher - because of the best built-in movie player. Film about it • What codecs to choose for movies on your computer... and what codecs are • What is: Codec and File Container ... 14. Password manager program for your computer - KeePassXC (https://keepassxc.org/) I think this is the best program of this type currently available. Film how to create strong and easy to remember passwords • How to make a strong Password easy to remember... 15. Office suite - LibreOffice (https://pl.libreoffice.org/) - I think that at the moment there is no better - or even close to it. Open Office no longer counts. A film about them • Free Libre Office suite... 16. Mozilla Thunderbird webmail program (supports multiple mailboxes at once) (https://www.thunderbird.net/pl/) 17. A program for controlling the Internet flow and its transfer and the speed of the Internet - statistics and monitoring - NetTraffic (https://www.venea.net/web/nettraffic) A film about them • What network monitoring program to choose... 18. The best internet messenger for smartphones and computers - SIGNAL (https://signal.org/pl/) - the only one that has not had a bad press and is considered the safest. A film about them • What is the best messenger for sm... 19. A program for reading PDF - Sumatra PDF (https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/free...) 20. The best free programs for editing and assembling movies - • The best free program for editing... I recorded a separate film about it. 21. Graphic browser and its editor - XnView (https://www.xnview.com/en/xnview/) ⭐ ToTemat on YouTube: / @totemat SUBSCRIBE ⚡ Free Music Hits on YouTube: / @darmowa-muzyka SUBSCRIBE!