▼Click here for the second part: https://youtu.be/Np4qMPoErjc (Released at 12:00 on 1/1) ▼The app has no ads and allows background playback (free) https://app.adjust.com/1jxxfcyd <Table of Contents> 00:00 Digest 01:09 Opening 01:50 The collapse of the Assad regime and the future of the Middle East 10:12 Russia's position and the Russo-Japanese War 12:38 The position of the next president, Trump 19:41 Germany's future 24:40 Taiwan's risks from 2025 onwards 31:21 South Korea caught in the middle 36:12 Preview of the second part <Guest> Emin Yılmaz Economist Born in Istanbul, Turkey. Won the world championship at the International Biology Olympiad at the age of 16. Came to Japan to study abroad in 1997. Passed the entrance exam for the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Science one year later, and then obtained a master's degree in biotechnology at the same university's graduate school. In 2006, he joined Nomura Securities and worked in the investment banking and institutional sales departments. After serving as director and head of the Fukagan Keizai Juku, he is currently disseminating information through various media and SNS. Reference Books: ▼Emin Yurumaz (Author) "**The Emin Way to Read the Company Quarterly Report**" Toyo Keizai Inc. https://amzn.to/49WWVcv *The above product link URL uses the Amazon Associates link. ▼Note "Emin Yurumazu Community" https://note.com/eminyurumazu/ Related Videos: https://youtu.be/t94xVTNfblAhttps://y... #USPresidentialElection #Taiwan #JapaneseStocks #Bubble #Inflation #Germany #Investment #China #StockPrices #Syria #Korea #AssadRegime #America #Iran #MiddleEast #Geopolitics #Trump #Oil #War #Pivot