This is a collection of high-speed footage of Shinkansen trains across Japan (Hokkaido, Tohoku, Joetsu, Hokuriku, Tokaido, Sanyo, Kyushu, Nishikyushu, and Linear) taken in 2024. (The second half is mainly composed of Tohoku Shinkansen trains.) E5 Series Hayabusa, E6 Series Komachi, H5 Series Hayabusa, E8 Series Tsubasa, Silver E3 Series Retro Color Tsubasa, E2 Series 200 Series Color, E5 Series Disney Wrapping, E2 Series Disney Wrapping, N700S Kamome, N700S Nozomi, E7 Series Kagayaki, 700 Series Hikari Railstar, 500 Series, N700 Series Sakura, 800 Series Sakura, Doctor Yellow, East i, ALFA-X, etc. *Details of the filming locations can be viewed using YouTube's subtitle function. This is a collection of high-speed transit video footage of Shinkansen trains (Hokkaido, Tohoku, Joetsu, Hokuriku, Tokaido, Sanyo, Kyushu, Nishi Kyushu, SCMaglev) taken all over Japan in 2024. 0:00 High-speed passing (Part 1) 08:30 High-speed passing (Part 2) 18:09 High-speed passing (Part 3) Overtaking and coming apart Tohoku Shinkansen Impressive high-speed passing An astonishing 80 consecutive shots! ALFA-X, E8 series, etc. Tohoku Shinkansen bullet train high speed passing • Tohoku Shinkansen Impressive high-speed passing An astonishing 80 consecutive shots! ALFA-X, E8 series, etc. T... Yamagata-Tohoku Shinkansen E8 series debut! New Tsubasa video collection Coupling, high-speed passing, etc. Series E8 Shinkansen and the new Tsubasa • Yamagata-Tohoku Shinkansen E8 series debut! New Tsubasa video collection Coupling, high-speed passing, etc. S... 2024 Winter Shinkansen bullet trains passing at high speeds in the snow and coupling up E5 series, E8 series, N700S, etc. Shinkansen bullet trains passing at high speeds in the snow video collection • 2024 Winter Shinkansen bullet trains passing at high speeds in the snow and coupling up E5 series, E8 series, N700S, etc. S... Hokuriku Shinkansen Komatsu - Tsuruga All Stations video • Hokuriku Shinkansen Komatsu - Tsuruga All Stations video • Hokuriku Shinkansen Komatsu - Tsuruga All Stations video Hokuriku Shinkansen Komatsu - Tsuruga All Stations video • Hokuriku Shinkansen Komatsu - Tsuruga All Stations video H... This is Japan's Shinkansen! 2023 Nationwide Shinkansen Impressive High-Speed Passing Footage Collection Low-Speed Comics! E8 series, Doctor Yellow, etc. Shinkansen high-speed passing video collection Filming equipment Sony FDR-AX45 and others We've started a sub-channel! Sub-channel started!↓ SHINKANSEN TIME / @shinkansentime5650 It's railway! / caruze67 ※Unauthorized reproduction and partial citation of videos and thumbnails on this channel is prohibited. ※All videos on this channel may not be copied without permission.