In this video, we will analyze data from the 2024 municipal election with python. The example is from the city of São Paulo, but you can easily change it to your city. TSE open data: https://dadosabertos.tse.jus.br/ Github (notebook and geopackage of electoral zones) https://github.com/CarlosGrohmann/ele... TRE SP redistribution of voters https://www.tre-sp.jus.br/servicos-el... TSE results: https://resultados.tse.jus.br SPAMLab is the Spatial Analysis and Modeling Laboratory of the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG) at USP. Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/spamLabUSP/?s... Follow us on social media and keep up with our work: Instagram: / spamlab.usp Twitter: / spam_lab Website: https://spamlab.github.io/ Sketchfab: https://sketchfab.com/spamlab